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X/Twitter (User/Pass)

This guide will help you configure your Masa Node as a X/Twitter scraper using user/pass authentication.

📋 Prerequisites

  • A running, staked Masa Node (see Binary Installation or Docker Setup)
  • X/Twitter Pro Account: without a Pro account, you will not be able to scrape X/Twitter data.

⚠️ A paid X/Twitter Pro Account is absolutely necessary for scraping X/Twitter data. Ensure you have obtained a paid Twitter Pro Account before proceeding with the configuration.

🛠️ Configuration Process

  1. Set environment variables

    Enable X/Twitter scraping in your .env file:

    USER_AGENTS="Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36,Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 14.7; rv:131.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/131.0"

    Replace username1:password1,username2:password2 with your actual X/Twitter account credentials.


    Do not use Twitter accounts that you care about, since there is a small risk of them being suspended. In such cases, you will still be able to scrape with those credentials, but posting will be suspended.


    💡 You can use multiple accounts by separating them with commas and the node will rotate through them and skip accounts that are banned or rate limited by X/Twitter.

    Add multiple user agents USER_AGENTS="user_agent1,user_agent2,user_agent3,user_agent4,user_agent5"


    🔄 The USER_AGENTS variable can accept a list of comma-separated user agents. The scraper will randomly select one for each request, helping to mimic different browser behaviors and potentially reduce the risk of being blocked. You can find up-to-date user agent strings at

  2. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

    If you have 2FA enabled on your X/Twitter account, you can temporarily turn it off to allow the scraper to save your cookies locally for the first time it logs into each account:


    🔒 It's recommended to temporarily disable 2FA when setting up your scraper for the first time. This allows the scraper to save your cookies locally. After successful setup, you can re-enable 2FA.

  3. Restart your node

    Restart the Masa node to apply the changes.

  4. Verify configuration

    Check the logs for confirmation:

    Is TwitterScraper: true
  5. Test the X/Twitter scraper

    Curl the node in local mode to confirm it returns X/Twitter data:

    curl -X 'POST' \
    'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/data/twitter/tweets/recent' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "query": "$Masa AI",
    "count": 1

    You should receive a response similar to this:

    "data": [
    "Error": null,
    "Tweet": {
    "ConversationID": "1828797710385942907",
    "GIFs": null,
    "HTML": "<a href=\"\">@CryptoGodJohn</a> $MASA the leading token for <a href=\"\">#AI</a> and <a href=\"\">#Data</a> <br><a href=\" Masafi\">@gesepolia Masafi</a>",
    "Hashtags": ["AI", "Data"],
    "ID": "1828900558452797478"
    // ... (other Tweet fields)
    "workerPeerId": "16Uiu2HAmSCQMh22Xmo1GMxXB73qRx3YaVqqL1UwTYn3iNvQLjPB5"

    Verify that the workerPeerId in the response matches your node's peerID.

🔐 Security Considerations

  • Keep your X/Twitter credentials secure and do not share them.
  • Never commit your .env file with X/Twitter credentials to version control.
  • After successful setup and cookie storage, remove the TWITTER_2FA_CODE from your .env file.

⚠️ Warning: Cloud-Based Scraping


If you are running a X/Twitter scraper in the cloud, it's encouraged to use a residential proxy. Without a residential proxy, it's likely your scraper will be blocked by X/Twitter, resulting in invalid credentials errors. Ensure you have a reliable residential proxy service set up before deploying your scraper in a cloud environment.

🔧 Troubleshooting

If you encounter issues:

  • Ensure your X/Twitter credentials in the .env file are correct.
  • Check the node logs for any error messages related to X/Twitter scraping.
  • If running in the cloud, confirm your residential proxy is correctly configured and functioning.
  • If you're experiencing frequent login requests or timeouts, try temporarily disabling 2FA, restarting your node to save cookies, and then re-enabling 2FA.

For more detailed setup options and advanced configurations, refer to: